Monday, April 26, 2010



BMX freestyle gets inspiration from the motocross bicycles. It’s began in 1970 when have people follow to ride , but they get a new styles to play mixes with the old way that they ride to be flexible and freestyle. The BMX, have framework small and light then the ordinary bike. The pillow have a low position, a wheels is small, front wheel can rotated three hundred and sixty degree, and very light framework.

THE BMX STREET is the style to ride it freestyle. To use environment to be your racing field such an iron rail, wall, stairs, etc always around the street, park and any place that mostly wide to play. They style is very beautiful grace and smooth. That depends on the rider practice and creative style to play it.

Most riders don't just only ride their alongside the street ,but they have a lot of tricks to play , like Bunny hop to pull your bike up like a jump , Manual to pull your front wheel up secure along the road .And the last Grind that is the hard one to play. It's very cool, to roll your bike up to iron rail, wall, etc and drag or climb across the ledge. I think is very excitement to try this sport.


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