Friday, May 21, 2010



I already read the Malaria article from the Inside Reading book. And I think Malaria is the one dangerous disease. Because it’s make peoples get very sick, weakness and finally death. And the one reason, this disease mostly occurs in the hot or humid place on the Earth such as tropical and subtropical regions, and Thailand is the part of subtropical. Then we would to know about it to away from this disease.
The malaria begins with the female mosquito bite an infected person. The parasites from the ill person will enter to the mosquito body, if it's bite any person it would make people infected and get sick. And the ways to prevent from the malaria you could to control them for instance to get rid the place that help mosquitoes to lay their eggs such as the jars , water jars , holes ,etc that have the water contain inside , To sleep under bed nets , To use lotion protect from the insects . Finally, I think in the present many disease have an evolution be strong and danger then the past even malaria too. Therefore we could to perform the primary protect to not be any illness.

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