Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010



Autism is a brain disease. It’s about brain disorder. Who were be this disease are really have a poor skill to communicate with people. I’m ever had friend to be the Autism before that makes me to known about this disease for a little. My friend who was an Autism name is Pound. First time, I’m meeting him. He looks an ordinary people. I think he is a silence person. I’m seen him not really to talk or trying to take a relationship with other people. Then I came to present myself with him .Pound looks very shy and want to avoid talking with me. But, he also looks hasn’t anything wrong. After that, I’m gradually seen the problem of him. Pound usually to be alone or when we play games and he loses. He will doesn’t impress with the consequence and show the bad conduct. He talks with other people doesn’t clearly. In the classes pound doesn’t pay attention any subjects. He often draws the picture in the note books or fall down on desk. But, only subject he love. He will works like a professional .For pound , he is very good of computer .He studies it very fast .Lastly, no matter what he is still my lovely friend and I believe he able to do everything like ordinary people just every one open your mind and give a change with Autism people .

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fixed Gear

Fixed Gear is the sort of bicycles that has no freewheels. The rear wheel is move depend on the pedals, when pedals move toward the bike will go the same pedals direction. If you want to ride it backward you just do the opposite way the first one. And the special one this bike is stop without using a brake, they stop by resist of the pedals, to reverse the pedals in opposite ways .This bike is just to become well-known in Thailand .They have some people groups come union to ride it around the city. I think Fixed Gear is the bike that has a beautiful framework and their wheels is very soft and thin .Lastly, I hope this sport will become more famous in Thailand.It's be better if Thai people turn to ride the bike instead to use the cars.

It's all about the ride .....

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Nowadays, you will see many teenagers have the BB: BlackBerry or the i-Phone.They are very popular in Thailand and many countries . They have many people use this technology for chat MSN and send massages or photographs with friends. The i-Phone that I'm asks people using. They told me the i-phone are prefer to people who love to listen music , watch the movies ,take the photos .But ,the main reason they are love to play game ,their download many game to play with the i-Phone. But i-phone buttons are uncomfortable to pin chat with others people. Then for people who love chat with friends will choose BlackBerry. Their functions are similar the i-phone ,but not good enough than the i-phone except their chatting MSN option. I think this technology are make people more comfortable such as to update news from face book or the wepsites,check the money from websites and download movies or games in everywhere that you go.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy is the methods to treatment your emotion. People are having many emotions. Each emotions are affect to your body, they tell how you feeling and your health. If you feel angry, stressed or any bad emotion it’s will make you heart work harder cause Adrenaline from the stress emotions. The affect are begin with you will gradually get the bad mental health. Finally you will be the one disease so called "Depression Disorders". The one way to prevent from this disease .It’s to control your emotions to not be stress by music.

Jack Johnson

Nora John

The Corrs

If I'm suggest people to choose the music to relax .I think It's could to be music that not too be hard rhythms such as classic, Country,Jass and Blue .Lastly, I think listens music is the good and easy way to prevent form stress, anxiety and depression. I want you to trying listen the Enya songs .For me is very works to reduce my stress.

CRIME SCENCE INVESTIGATIONCSI: Crime Scene Investigation is the American series. This series is about investigation to solve crime .I had already watched this series once time. The story is very excited and very fun. I'm remembering I didn't change channel after have an advertise break. This series show the process of investigation crime. The methods that you always see in this series, there are find the fingers prints, stain of blood or anything strange on the victim's death body. The second, they will send the death body to the laboratory to use the chemical investigation by the” Forensic science “. But, the one scene that I'm very likes .It's the scene to investigate the suspects and their like to create the story linking to the crime. All in all CSI not is the famous only in America but also Thailand on show in the AXN channel. And last one, this series show me an efficiency of the America investigation is very fantastic.