Saturday, June 5, 2010

Music Therapy

Music Therapy is the methods to treatment your emotion. People are having many emotions. Each emotions are affect to your body, they tell how you feeling and your health. If you feel angry, stressed or any bad emotion it’s will make you heart work harder cause Adrenaline from the stress emotions. The affect are begin with you will gradually get the bad mental health. Finally you will be the one disease so called "Depression Disorders". The one way to prevent from this disease .It’s to control your emotions to not be stress by music.

Jack Johnson

Nora John

The Corrs

If I'm suggest people to choose the music to relax .I think It's could to be music that not too be hard rhythms such as classic, Country,Jass and Blue .Lastly, I think listens music is the good and easy way to prevent form stress, anxiety and depression. I want you to trying listen the Enya songs .For me is very works to reduce my stress.

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