Saturday, June 5, 2010


Nowadays, you will see many teenagers have the BB: BlackBerry or the i-Phone.They are very popular in Thailand and many countries . They have many people use this technology for chat MSN and send massages or photographs with friends. The i-Phone that I'm asks people using. They told me the i-phone are prefer to people who love to listen music , watch the movies ,take the photos .But ,the main reason they are love to play game ,their download many game to play with the i-Phone. But i-phone buttons are uncomfortable to pin chat with others people. Then for people who love chat with friends will choose BlackBerry. Their functions are similar the i-phone ,but not good enough than the i-phone except their chatting MSN option. I think this technology are make people more comfortable such as to update news from face book or the wepsites,check the money from websites and download movies or games in everywhere that you go.

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