Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010



Autism is a brain disease. It’s about brain disorder. Who were be this disease are really have a poor skill to communicate with people. I’m ever had friend to be the Autism before that makes me to known about this disease for a little. My friend who was an Autism name is Pound. First time, I’m meeting him. He looks an ordinary people. I think he is a silence person. I’m seen him not really to talk or trying to take a relationship with other people. Then I came to present myself with him .Pound looks very shy and want to avoid talking with me. But, he also looks hasn’t anything wrong. After that, I’m gradually seen the problem of him. Pound usually to be alone or when we play games and he loses. He will doesn’t impress with the consequence and show the bad conduct. He talks with other people doesn’t clearly. In the classes pound doesn’t pay attention any subjects. He often draws the picture in the note books or fall down on desk. But, only subject he love. He will works like a professional .For pound , he is very good of computer .He studies it very fast .Lastly, no matter what he is still my lovely friend and I believe he able to do everything like ordinary people just every one open your mind and give a change with Autism people .

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fixed Gear

Fixed Gear is the sort of bicycles that has no freewheels. The rear wheel is move depend on the pedals, when pedals move toward the bike will go the same pedals direction. If you want to ride it backward you just do the opposite way the first one. And the special one this bike is stop without using a brake, they stop by resist of the pedals, to reverse the pedals in opposite ways .This bike is just to become well-known in Thailand .They have some people groups come union to ride it around the city. I think Fixed Gear is the bike that has a beautiful framework and their wheels is very soft and thin .Lastly, I hope this sport will become more famous in Thailand.It's be better if Thai people turn to ride the bike instead to use the cars.

It's all about the ride .....

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Nowadays, you will see many teenagers have the BB: BlackBerry or the i-Phone.They are very popular in Thailand and many countries . They have many people use this technology for chat MSN and send massages or photographs with friends. The i-Phone that I'm asks people using. They told me the i-phone are prefer to people who love to listen music , watch the movies ,take the photos .But ,the main reason they are love to play game ,their download many game to play with the i-Phone. But i-phone buttons are uncomfortable to pin chat with others people. Then for people who love chat with friends will choose BlackBerry. Their functions are similar the i-phone ,but not good enough than the i-phone except their chatting MSN option. I think this technology are make people more comfortable such as to update news from face book or the wepsites,check the money from websites and download movies or games in everywhere that you go.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy is the methods to treatment your emotion. People are having many emotions. Each emotions are affect to your body, they tell how you feeling and your health. If you feel angry, stressed or any bad emotion it’s will make you heart work harder cause Adrenaline from the stress emotions. The affect are begin with you will gradually get the bad mental health. Finally you will be the one disease so called "Depression Disorders". The one way to prevent from this disease .It’s to control your emotions to not be stress by music.

Jack Johnson

Nora John

The Corrs

If I'm suggest people to choose the music to relax .I think It's could to be music that not too be hard rhythms such as classic, Country,Jass and Blue .Lastly, I think listens music is the good and easy way to prevent form stress, anxiety and depression. I want you to trying listen the Enya songs .For me is very works to reduce my stress.

CRIME SCENCE INVESTIGATIONCSI: Crime Scene Investigation is the American series. This series is about investigation to solve crime .I had already watched this series once time. The story is very excited and very fun. I'm remembering I didn't change channel after have an advertise break. This series show the process of investigation crime. The methods that you always see in this series, there are find the fingers prints, stain of blood or anything strange on the victim's death body. The second, they will send the death body to the laboratory to use the chemical investigation by the” Forensic science “. But, the one scene that I'm very likes .It's the scene to investigate the suspects and their like to create the story linking to the crime. All in all CSI not is the famous only in America but also Thailand on show in the AXN channel. And last one, this series show me an efficiency of the America investigation is very fantastic.


Volcom is my favorite brand, especially their clothes is very cool. Volcom began in 1991 by 2 American, Richard Walcott and Tuker hall. This brand occurs by 2 surfers who have creative artworks thinking .Their decided to create some brand of surf and give it a name Stone Volcom.

Later than Stone Volcom become famous, its impress many people who play surf, skateboard and roller skate. They are produce many good quality sport equipments .For this present, this brand has change to be Volcom brand and have many products especially Volcom clothes. In Thailand ,this brand is very famous in teenager most are male. In my opinion, I think Volcom's concept are being extreme life ,to be crazy do everything you want or to be freedom. I like this brand especially artworks paint on their t-shirt. It’s really looks to simple but cool.

Japanese Fashion

The Japanese styles fashion you can called is very unique, strange or odd in the world .They have many style until ordinary to look crazy .But for the Japanese people they look it very common. Their style are not be fixed .They are trying to get any thing to make their own style be different from many people.They people are pay attention to every outfits detail around their body such as nail fingers, teeth, contact lens, etc .They will design to be their style and get mix and match by their imagination.

Japanese people that I told you ,their fashions is not to be fixed you can choose any clothes any items to wearing even they don't mix and match . The Japanese fashion are began to follow wearing the cartoons fashion .But who's know the cartoons fashion are get inspiration from the western fashion mix and match with Japanese traditional style and design by the individual imagination . But in this present, I think Japanese fashion are developing than in the past .Not only be Unique be independent but they also spread this fashion to many country.

Lastly, every people in Japan who love fashion and love to wearing must to known Shibuya and Harajuku, Tokyo. This place is union everybody who love fashion , who wearing follow the cartoon and weaพing their own style will be showing in this place. All in all, i think traditional of Japanese fashion is very interesting, i loves to looking they create new fashion style .

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Advertisement is the part of marketing process to announce the products by mass media. The purposes to make products are to be recognized from people and persuade people to try,to taste and buy their products or come to use their service.

Nowadays, you will see many advertise from everywhere such as in Newspapers, Magazines and any mass communication, especially from the televisions. Almost advertise use this mass media because it have many people are watching the TV .You can see they having an advertisements every shot such as News, Game shows ,Movies and Sports or after brake of TV show.

Most people don't pay attention to advertisements much. They also focus on the TV show that they interested. But they don't know, just they glance to the advertisements like a Sponsors pictures, the products in the TV show, Phase from the celebrities,etc. They will be already insert to your head. After that, if you go by shopping you will buy the products from the television that you think of.You will choose the product that you feel confident to use.I think advertisement is the important part of the maketing plan.
Fish Therapy

Fish therapy is the natural treatment to make your body be clean and more healthy by a lot of little fish .The process of this program is to give many little fish crowd to suck and to nibble around your body. Fish will suck old skin out from your body .It’s will makes you feels a shortly tickle for a while, then you will be feels relaxing .This program gets inspiration from a natural place that have little fish such as lake and waterfall. Just you get into the water they will crowd to suck you suddenly. But, they are not every little fish have this behavior to suck everything. This program will help you to be healthy skin, be clean and including about foots smell is totally gone. Finally, I think is very interesting to try this program.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is the person that have many people in whole world are recognize him. He is the greatest basketball player in the history. He makes many legends in the NBA basketball games and be the person who makes a scores in one game high then any basketball players in the past and the present . His style makes many people to shock and surprises for along times they are Slam Dunk and Air Walk. But ,before Michael was successful his life and be famous .He passed many obstacles and failures in his life. For the turning point when he was a teenager, he is the basketball players in the high school. But not for long time the high school decided to refuse him to be the basketball player. After that Michael tries to practices basketball very hard .Finally, he is the legend of the basketball sport that everyone know. All of all, I think Michael is the incredible person. His life can be the examples to many people, to be standard for many people in new age are compare with or across him .I'm is the one person that praise Michael Jordan and want to successful likes him.

Sunday, May 30, 2010



A Bating Ape or BAPE is the Japanese brand clothes by Nigo Nago in 1993. Bape clothes are highly popular in this present. It's have a lot of people to wearing. It’s popular not less than any famous brands. This brand is designs be unique and have original artworks impress many people even the celebrities from many countries, come to use this brand. It’s not being surprise that Bape is well recognized around the world.

Bape has to use colorful like a toys with their products such as shirts, t-shirt, sneakers, etc. And use the logo( a monkey face like a Kingkong) or any popular media such as SpongeBob, Hello kitty comics , and the celebrities Pharrell Williams or Nigo the owner are painting on the clothes too. Bape's concept tent to be Street and Hip-hop fashion .This brand is really too expensive because their products have made from the high quality materials and design from the famous person.

Nowadays Bape brand have collaborated with many famous brands such as Supreme , Ice-Creme ,Casio etc. that show it's be accepted in many brand . And they’re have many shop around the world and not only to sell the clothes such as Bape Cuts hair salon, Bape Cafe and gallery, Bape Sounds records. I love this brand and concepts that they design products but It's too expensive for me then I brought the copy one HaHaHa .


Friday, May 21, 2010



I already read the Malaria article from the Inside Reading book. And I think Malaria is the one dangerous disease. Because it’s make peoples get very sick, weakness and finally death. And the one reason, this disease mostly occurs in the hot or humid place on the Earth such as tropical and subtropical regions, and Thailand is the part of subtropical. Then we would to know about it to away from this disease.
The malaria begins with the female mosquito bite an infected person. The parasites from the ill person will enter to the mosquito body, if it's bite any person it would make people infected and get sick. And the ways to prevent from the malaria you could to control them for instance to get rid the place that help mosquitoes to lay their eggs such as the jars , water jars , holes ,etc that have the water contain inside , To sleep under bed nets , To use lotion protect from the insects . Finally, I think in the present many disease have an evolution be strong and danger then the past even malaria too. Therefore we could to perform the primary protect to not be any illness.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The first time that I knew what the segway is look likes .I think is very interesting technology. The segway is the innovation transport by Dean Kamer .It's work by the battery and control by the computer. The computer is program to move depend on the ability of human to keep their balance. It’s sound hard to control but maybe not .Because I never drive it before you could to try it yourself. In Thailand is not to see much. I think is suitable to use on the flat ground or the wild place and not be crowded much .May be this is why the Thailand not to be famous. But, I saw people drive it before like in the JJ market the security always drives it along the side roads. And the comedy movie named “Mall Cop". This movie you will see the leading actor drive the segway along the movie and he drive it very smooth. Lastly, I think the segway its looks very interesting and comfortable to use. You can drive it to go anywhere but not too long ways. And I think it safe.
The value of summery Exercise to each person

The Newspapers, it's the thing that unite every experience are happen around the world. It's very useful if you read it. You will know that what happen in this time and improve your English very well. Because the newspapers have a lot of new words and specific words used in each topic. Finally I'm believe that The Newspapers can practice my every English skill that I could to know it’s very useful.


The marketing plan is the process by thinking to find ways to sell products and to achieve the target or concept that the companies agreement. To make products to be more values and to attract the customers. The methods of the marketing plan or sales strategies such as Thinking of name products, to advertise it, how price it, how to package and the last how to convince the customers. This is the marketing director job, but the first process of marketing plan could to survey the customers like this products it could to be use by who, sex, age, and income. This research can help you to specific the customers that you want to sale.

In my opinion, one product may have a lot of variety and a lot of brand that makes a high competition, then if you want to your product to be demand for everyone you could to make it independent, be unique by depend on the marketing plan.

Monday, April 26, 2010



BMX freestyle gets inspiration from the motocross bicycles. It’s began in 1970 when have people follow to ride , but they get a new styles to play mixes with the old way that they ride to be flexible and freestyle. The BMX, have framework small and light then the ordinary bike. The pillow have a low position, a wheels is small, front wheel can rotated three hundred and sixty degree, and very light framework.

THE BMX STREET is the style to ride it freestyle. To use environment to be your racing field such an iron rail, wall, stairs, etc always around the street, park and any place that mostly wide to play. They style is very beautiful grace and smooth. That depends on the rider practice and creative style to play it.

Most riders don't just only ride their alongside the street ,but they have a lot of tricks to play , like Bunny hop to pull your bike up like a jump , Manual to pull your front wheel up secure along the road .And the last Grind that is the hard one to play. It's very cool, to roll your bike up to iron rail, wall, etc and drag or climb across the ledge. I think is very excitement to try this sport.